Vegan Speak


Vegan Speak is an ever growing resource addressing common misconceptions and arguments against veganism. Whether you’re a seasoned vegan or exploring the philosophy, Vegan Speak offers a wealth of information and resources to help you engage in meaningful conversations and make informed choices.

  1. Meat and dairy tastes good
  2. Crop harvesting kills animals
  3. Animals don’t understand morality
  4. Animals eat other animals
  5. Animals would eat you if they could
  6. B12 is only found in meat
  7. Eating animals is natural
  8. Eating animals is necessary
  9. Eating meat helped us evolve
  10. Eating meat is healthy
  11. Farm animals would go extinct
  12. Farmed animals are bred to be killed
  13. Farmed animals would be killed in the wild
  14. Farmed animals would overpopulate
  15. Farmers treat their animals like family
  16. God put animals here to eat
  17. Going vegan doesn’t make a difference
  18. Hitler was vegetarian
  19. Animals are humanely slaughtered
  20. Humans are omnivores
  21. Humans are superior to animals
  22. I eat every part of the animal so they don’t go to waste
  23. I need to eat fish for Omega-3
  24. I only buy locally grown, free-range, organic meat
  25. It’s legal to eat animal products, there are laws to protect animals
  26. You take medication that has been tested on animals
  27. Morality is subjective
  28. Human rights are more important
  29. Most people eat meat
  30. Not everyone can be vegan
  31. Our ancestors ate meat
  32. People would lose their jobs if the world went vegan
  33. It’s my personal choice
  34. Plants feel pain
  35. The animals are already dead
  36. The dairy industry doesn’t harm animals
  37. The egg industry doesn’t harm animals
  38. The whole world will never go vegan
  39. We’re top of the food chain (circle of life)
  40. Vegan diet lacks iron
  41. Vegan food is tasteless
  42. Veganism is expensive
  43. Veganism is unsustainable
  44. Vegans are judgmental
  45. Vegans don't get enough protein
  46. Vegans lack calcium
  47. Vegans lack vitamin D
  48. You buy products from sweatshops
  49. You can't be 100% vegan

This is an open source work in progress and we welcome your contributions or improvements.